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Diana Cave
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Not Enough Time? Get help with a Soux Chef !

In the middle of your home page to the right you can see My Soux Chef.
Click there and a page will open showing you all of the Soux Chefs.
Hover over each one to see what they will do and how much they cost.

You can choose to see only the Available Soux Chefs by selecting  "Only Available" (in blue in the centre of the page).

I have used many of them but not all. 

My favorites give you 1000 Food Game Gold each 24 hours or 10 Lottery tickets (that is the one I usually use) each 24 hours.

Some which give the same item will cost more than others and that is because they last for more days.

To Hire a Soux Chef you will need Cooking Points and to gain those you will have to cook. You can only cook if you have some Cooking Vouchers and you will need one for each dish that you cook.

To cook I click on the Recipe Book at the bottom of the page and I choose to cook the recipes which use the most ingredients as, in my experience, they give you the most points.

To cook a dish just click on the yellow or green button to the right of the line of ingredients. Your dish will receive points and you can see these adding up if you click on Leaderboard at the top of the page.

Check how many cooking points you will need to hire the Soux Chef of your choice and then proceed to cook until you either run out of cooking vouchers or ingrecients or reach that amount of points.

When you have enough points go to the Soux Chef page and click on the chef of your choice. If you are sure that you want to hire the chef then click on 'yes' and proceed. You will then see for how long the chef will last.

These are a great help and by using the one who gives you 10 Lottery tickets a day I have often accumulated many tickets and won the Lottery (which is held at reset every Sunday) and won large amounts of Gold.

Enjoy and Good luck!



(based on how I use this feature) 

I am still experimenting with this part, trying and testing different benefits (or not) or accumulating ingredients rather than disposing of them when there are only a few.

Based on what I have worked on I suggest that you follow this - and then experiment too as you might prefer managing your ingredients and time in another way :)

(PLEASE open Food Game in a seperate page so that you can follow as you read)

Let's start by going to MARKETPLACE at the top and then to SELL INGREDIENTS.

There you will see a list of all of the ingredients that you have collected together with your Cooking Vouchers. Those are required to cook the dishes and, hopefully, get to the top of the ranking and win cash. Cooking takes up a lot of time. I have tried it and if time is your enemy I suggest that you pass and go directly to selling or trading your items.

The first item in your list will be the Cooking Vouchers.
These can also be used in the Lottery - 10 vouchers will buy 1 ticket and winners are drawn on Sunday at server reset. I buy between 5 and 50 tickets every week and have sometimes been lucky and won Gold - but not always.

Hover your cursor over the Cooking Voucher in your list of ingredients.
The 2 most inportant pieces of information there are:
- Lowest price 
- Rarity level

Now we can practice selling an item:
With Cooking vouchers it is simple.
Right now the Lowest price is 18 Gold for a voucher.
To be certain your vouchers will be sold you undercut that price and sell them for less: 17 
I have 21 so I will sell 20

Click on the Cooking Vouchers and a new page will open
In the box: Quantity to sell I put 20
In the box Price in Gold I will put 340 (the total selling price for my 20 vouchers at 17 Gold each one)
Then click CONFIRM
On this page you pay the 10% Market Fees: 34 Gold in this case
Click PAY
and you will be taken to the page where you see your ACTIVE MARKETPLACE OFFERS.

If you change your mind within 1 hour, you can remove the item you put up for sale and your fee will be returned to you. If more time passes, the fee will be lost.

You can change your mind by clicking on the item and removing it from the market.

That item is simple.

Now for the more complicated - but FUN part!!

Scroll down and you will again see your items.
Hover you cursor over each one and  PLEASE NOTICE which items are EXPENSIVE and which items are much cheaper.

Why? Because instead of selling we can also trade them.

Almonds and Anchovies are quite high in price while Apples are less.

As you go through all of the items you will see many expensive and others very cheap. Make note of the high-priced items and of the very cheap items (a mental note or jot them down). Prices will vary depending on others who may sell at low prices which will cause the price to drop.

DON'T SELL ANYTHING YET because I want you to see what other options we have to get rid of them.

Almonds right now are 73 Gold each while Apples are 4 Gold each and keeping that in mind we go to the trade page.

Click on INGREDIENTS at the top of the page
then on the far right: trade with the bank

Here I will tell you  what I am doing BUT you can also experiment and maybe discover something even more rewarding.

Under Trade service at the 5th and last voice it says
1 Cooking Voucher 75 Required ingredients and Trade

If you have an ingredient with 75 or more pieces it will appear there.

If Apples appear there then I think it best to trade 75 Apples at 4 Gold each which, if you sold them would bring you 300 Gold, for 1 Cooking Voucher

therefore I would CLICK on the Apples and then collect the Cooking Voucher (which would definately sell even though the price would be lower than the apples which 'might' sell)
Redeem you Cooking Voucher which will then appear in your list of ingredients.

If Almonds or Anchovies appear when I click 'trade' I would NOT trade them but would rather sell them on the market as they are worth more.

I hope that is clear (otherwise PM on Food Game and I will help further)

You can now decide which items you want to place on the market, individually or in groups of 10 or any amount at all.
I place the expensive items in groups of no more than 20 as it becomes a large amount of fees to pat
while the less expensive items can be sold in any ampunt at all.
As long as the selling price is lower than the othes at the time you put your items up for sale, they will go.
You know why?
Because there are Food Game users waiting to pounce on low-priced items and buy them in bulk, which they then hoard until the price rises some days, weeks or even months later.
If you have time to do that then by all means do so. I don't lol

Once you have put a few, many or even all of your ingredients (there is no limit as to how many you can sell at a time) you then wait hoping someone will buy them.
You can click on MARKETPLACE and then -MY RECENT TRANSACTIONS at any time and the items IN GREEN are those which have been sold!

The users who are cooking will spend hours buying the items they require for the dishes that they must cook LOL

As your items are sold they disappear from My active Marketplace offers: - BUT the amount of Gold in your account will INCREASE - and it is amazing how quickly that happens.


This all might seem difficult but I can assure you that after a couple of times that you sell something then you will no  longer need to follow instructions as it becomes easy very quickly :)


A la minute - or - why is there a hat near the timer?

At some time every day on each Traffic Exchange you will see a chef's hat near the timer. It will stay there for 20 minutes and during that time there will be a 1 second reduction in the surfing timer.

In those 20 minutes you can surf and collect 3 chef's hats then as soon as the hat near the timer disappears

go to your Food Game home page and claim your prize.

A la minute is on the left of your Food Game homepage and you will see a list of Traffic Exchanges where there will be the next timer reductions too. These are the same time and place daily.

You can also Click here to


p.s. Under the banners at the top and bottom of this post there is a list of the Premium Traffic Exchanges on Food Game for your Information.




On your home page to the right you will see Appetizers.

These are Events which can be for one single day or multiple days and involve one single T.E. or multiple T.E.s.

The prize is a pot of Gold, and everyone who claims at least 1 Food Game prize from each of the participating sites will win part of the prize pot (as long as each share is worth at least 1 gold).
You have to claim a Food Game prize from all participating sites to get one share of the prize pot. But there is no limit to how many shares you can get. The more Food Game prizes you claim in each of the participating traffic exchanges, the more shares you will get and the bigger your part of the prize pot will be.

When you visit the Appetizer page you will see Current Active Events and also Upcoming Events.

This gives you the opportunity of planning ahead, depending on your surfing schedule (assuming you have one) and the sites which will be involved in Appetizer Events over the following days.

For example, if there is an Event involving 5 different T.E.s over 5 days, you could surf a certain number of pages one day on one T.E. and the following day surf the same number of pages on another participating T.E. and on the fifth day you will complete the Event.

Please note that until you have claimed at least one chef hat on each participating T.E., your claims will not appear  on the Event. Therefore if you surf on one T.E. each day for 5 days, until you claim one hat on the 5th T.E. none of your claims will appear.

The claims update once every hour on the hour so nothing is wrong if you do not appear. Just be patient until you have collected on all of the T.E.s involved.

The total amount of Gold that you collect on a particular Event is added to your accounr at reset on the day the Event ends.


The Food Game - Simple Guide - How I Use The Food Game© - PART #2

These are simple instructions based on How I use The Food Game 


On your Home page on the left at the top you will see: 
Tasty and Delicious Sites
These sites have higher value prizes and the Delicious Site has the highest. That site will stay the same for the whole week (so if you are not already a member maybe it would be worth joining - and in that case remember to add your referral ID under Participating Sites)
Under each site you can see "Book now" and there you can see which sites will be in those positions in the next weeks so that you can prepare your surfing schedule.

In the middle of the Home page  at the top you will see: 
Spicy Sites.
Surfing these sites you can win prizes at the end of the day (as well as those that you collect every 25 pages). You can click on
"Check today's rank" to see how many hats have already been collected and below also a list of the daily prizes

On the right of the Home page at the top you can see: 
Sweet Sites. 
On these sites the prizes are also higher than usual (but not as high as those on the Delicious site).


The Food Game - Simple Guide - How I Use The Food Game© - PART #1

These are simple instructions to start with The Food Game 


- At the top of the page go to PARTICIPATING SITES and enter your referral ID for the TEs that you use. You will then be able to collect items for the Food Game on those sites. This is also a DownlineBuilder - anyone joining The Food Game through your referral link will join under you when they join any REs where you have added your referral ID.

- When surfing on your favorite TEs, every 25 pages that you surf you will see a chef's hat appear. CLICK on it and a new page will open.

- on that page you will see your reward: an item of food, a cooking class ticket, a cooking voucher or GOLD

- when the page has loaded you can then close it and continue surfing and collecting.

-  at any time you can open the Food Game site and on the page that opens (your Home Page) towards the middle, you will see a blue part. There you can see the totals of what you have collected.


- EVERY DAY when you log into Food Game for the first time, go to the bottom of the page and COLLECT YOUR GIFT. There is a new gift every day.

- EVERY DAY you can surf 25 pages on the Food Game (50 if you are upgraded but it is not necessary to be upgraded for anything else) and you will then receive 15 random ingredients (30 if you are upgraded). To do this go to the BLUE part in the middle of the HOME page and half way down you will see: Surfed today - 0/25 . Earn ingredients  CLICK on Earn Ingrefients and the surf will open.

- after surfing 25 pages, follow the instructions to collect the ingrecients. You will go back to that blue part of the home page and it will now say "CLAIM BONUS INGREDIENTS" on the right, CLICK there and then follow instructions.

- when you have done that part you can close the site and surf on your favorite TEs


The Food Game

If you are a surfer you will probabbly  know of The Food Game which appears on many Traffic  Exchanges.

Maybe you are already a member and enjoy collecting the Chef  Hats while surfing and then exchanging whatever you have collected to buy advertising and/or Upgrades on the participating sites.

Maybe you never joined in the belief that it would distract you from surfing and seeing the ads in rotation. That was my mistake 3 years ago! I had joined but not used it at all until almost a year later -  and I am fully aware now of how much I wasted the time when I was not using it!

In the first case you already know - and in the second you might soon too - that it is


Some time back I prepared a Simple Guide - How I Use The Food Game by mysD© - for my referrals and some have found it helped them a lot. Of course there are instructions on the site itself but I have condensed them and broken them up into simple easy-to-follow steps  and I have decided to post them here on MBS in small posts making it easy for anyone to consult the particular part that they want to learn or re-cap.

I must stress that this is a Simple Guide - How I Use The Food Game by mysD© -  

based on my own personal experience.


If you are not yet a member, ir is totally FREE to join by clicking the banner above or below on this page.


Total visitors that have viewed this blog = 222

Total visitors that have viewed this blog + all of Diana's posts = 217708

Hopefully, at some point while reading the posts here, 

you were curious and decided to join - after all, it is TOTALLY FREE!

Any questions please contact me here  or on  The Food Game itself

Have FUN!! 

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This Blog belongs to
Diana Cave
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