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Aditya Shiv
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Yes! Most of us tend to make simple things complicated in online business.

Any business needs investment. Remember this.

But what is investment? 

Investment is 

  1. Money
  2. Time
  3. Knowledge
  4. Or a combination of all three.

When we go to school and college,  we spend many years (Time) , pay tuition fees, books and other charges (Money) and acquire knowledge and skills and then depending on the knowledge or skills we earn.

Any organization uses all the 3 combination to generate income.

When we join a job, the management decides where we fit in the organisation.

But ...... when we join a business, we decide the resources we want to use.

MLM and online businesses have mushroomed in last 2 decades. Many of them vanish in some time due to ill intentions or mismanagement.

Yet there are few of them which have genuinely flourished.

I will discuss one which caught my attention in Mar 2023 and as I researched, I found it to be the best online business I have ever come across.

The management have superbly designed the system which ensures 


Click here to know more


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Maybe you would like to buy a gig from them, Contact Aditya Shiv

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Aditya Shiv
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