Way back in 2002 when I was a Helicopter Pilot in the beautiful city of Mumbai, I joined my first network marketing company even though I was obliged to see the presentations in 1998 when it was just introduced in India. Anyways, I'm sure many of you have heard of Amway. In my brain I had worked it up to be a big deal for me at the time , I was gonna be makin' an extra 10K/month in NO TIME . I started imagining luxurious life style and I'd be the talk in my friends and relatives circle! Yep, I had big dreams even from the get go. But reality soon set in for my young self. After joining, my sponsor made an appointment to meet me personally. We had a LENGTHY meeting where he did his best to talk me into subscribing "Continuous Education Program" (CEP) which consisted of buying monthly recommended books and tapes. Most important was he sold me 2 costly tickets of a big upcoming event. Later I realized that this was crucial to make many people motivated and put effort to grow the business. He then gave me instructions to make a list of all my friends and family, so we could 3 way call all of them. He then said that he was going to send me a document outlining how to schedule calls, just like the one we were on, so I could start making phone appointments with my prospects and new sign ups too. And after all of that, he told me that if I wanted to see my team grow, that I'd need to make at least 20-30 cold calls per day. At that moment I was thinking to myself, holy sh*t, this sounds terrible. I soon realized that this business model made me face lot of rejections which as a pilot, I was not used to. Ten years of effort and yet 99% team members didn't earn any substantial income. Ya see, systems like LiveGood weren't available back in 2002. And a system like The LiveGood, is quite frankly, my definition of a dream biz. Thank your lucky stars that these days the only thing you need to do in order to get consistent sign ups and sales, AND have your team duplicate automatically, is to simply send highly targeted traffic to a web page. Why LiveGood? - A long term stable PASSIVE INCOME opportunity
- The products are good quality and affordable. No mandatory buy to earn.
- A unique compensation plan based on binary system where chances of spillover are very high
- Any person falling in your team due to spillover or spill under even if you have not personally sponsored, you get paid. This means any person who is unable to sponsor a single person and has only one line in binary system gets paid.
- A member without sponsoring a single person can earn max $2047 pm. Those who sponsor can earn very high monthly income.
My Analysis
This system has so widely been accepted in the online business community that more than 1600 new people are becoming paid members daily since more than a year. Any person joining any team should break even in max 5 years. (This means he now earns more than what he pays which over the years can go to max $2047 also). Cost Analysis $40 one time registration charges + $ 10 monthly subscription ( $ 100 yearly is my recommendation) Total in 5 years is $540. Some may start earning in just few months. |