This Blog belongs to
Rick Herring
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The sun was scorching, the dry ground endless, and the silence was deafening.


Yet, it was the most peaceful and rejuvenating experience.


It reminded me of the internet marketing journey: can feel vast, overwhelming, and sometimes lonely. But with perseverance and passion, you can find your oasis, your niche, where your love and expertise truly come to life.


I’ve seen many people give up on their online dreams, feeling discouraged by slow growth or failed attempts.


But remember, every successful marketer started somewhere. Every hit blog, every profitable online business, was once just an idea waiting to be nurtured.


Don’t let fear or doubt hold you back. Keep exploring, keep creating, and keep sharing what you love.

The desert teaches us that even in the harshest conditions, life finds a way to flourish.


So let's channel that spirit into our online endeavors. Let's prove that even in the vastness of the digital world, our unique voices can be heard!


…and our passions can thrive.

Want to create something awesome together?


Simply reply back with "Tell me more" and I will get back with you ASAP!



PS: Here is my email

No matter what failures you’ve had or how you feel about yourself, you are a stunning miracle!

I mean, think about your eyes. There’s no camera on the earth as good as your eyes! 

Do you realize how many times your heart has beat since you were first born and how many times it will continue to beat, like clockwork,
almost endlessly without you having to do a thing except eat and sleep and take basic care of yourself?

And this is just for starters. Think about your thumbs, your hands, your feet, your ears, nose, your electrical system that allows you to feel and move, and your brain! And I’ve just begun. We could keep going on forever!

All that is in YOU! An amazing miracle of hundreds and thousands of things all working together at the same time without you even doing a thing!

I thank God every day for allowing me to wake up and experience all of this! No matter how difficult life can get, you are still a miracle and should try to remember that. 

Now lets tweak the subject a bit and talk about you and financial success:

I can hear you ask “how does this have to do with the amazingness of who you are?” 

Well its simple really…

Realizing that your attitude is the first step in this endeavor will help you. Your acknowledgment that you are amazing will empower you to be happy and confident.

I know you’ve seen the results of doing a project with your friend. It brings you together – right.

I want you to be on my team! I know we can do great things together.

Get started working together with me in a program that will help help you begin the learning process to potentially change your life!

Call or text me after you start. I want to help you do well. Your success is my passion.

Want to work together?

Simply reply back to this email with the subject: “I’d like to know more.” and I will get back with you right away.

Talk soon!



Highlights of the Week

Sunday, I attended 11 AM Mass at Saint Luke’s here in Irving, thanks to Deacon Patrick.

Then there was Drum Class. Mark Dunn came and did a Piano Recital, featuring oldies from Elvis, Frank Sinatra,  and others.

Mark shared a story with us about Elvis, who was performing in this small town.The paper carried a full page ad, but the picture was really bad. This lady went to the concert. When she arrived there was only standing room.

This fellow came in and she said to him, “There are no seats, but you are welcome to stand with us”. To which he replied, ” I am the one doing the show.” She related how there was an ad in the paper, but the picture was very bad. They talk a bit and he goes and does the show.

Sometime late Elvis is performing in a small club and this lady is there in the second row. In front of her is a drunk. After a few songs, Elvis alerts security that this lady who he calls by name, which amazes her that he remembers her name, is there in a new dress. Would they (security) come and remove the drunk before he throws up on her new dress.

Our very talented office manager sang for us. It was so very good. One of the songs she sang is stuck in my head.

And Thursday ended with Happy Hour, with free drinks, snacks, and conversation. Friday we viewed the Texas Daytripper as he toured the high spots of Beaumont and later some memorable spots in the countryside. Later the West Fork Village Players did a three act comedy on Gossip.

The week ended with us disturbing the newsletter for the week and the month of September, the Rosary, and some college football.

What a fun filled, memorable week here at West Fork Village in Irving, Texas. “The Place Where Seniors Thrive”.

To learn more about West Fork Village, call 972 721-1500.

Thank you for reading this blog. Please share with others,

Rick Herring

To learn about our business and our awesome team, send a message, "tell me more" to

The Pilgrimage to Expand Our Capacity to Trust

Without trust we live in fear, which is "false evidence appearing real", which leads to stress, to uncertainty, to living a mediocre life.

When we are in need of a side hussle to bring in more income, we need to find a coach and a successfull team to join. Just as successful athelics have coaches, so do we need coaches to navagate the highways and byways of life and the internet.

The Pllgrimage to our past, to holy places, through seasons of the year, such as Advent and Lent, can greatly expand our capacity to trust. To trust that God really exist. That we are made in the image and likness of God. That sharing our love, kindness, and spiritually with others greatly alleviates fear and stress.

Without trust we live in fear

To learn more about our coach and our team just send me a message, " Tell me More".

To Your Unlimited Success

Text me at 682 540 1704

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Maybe you would like to buy a gig from them, Contact Rick Herring

This Blog belongs to
Rick Herring
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