Highlights of the Week
Sunday, I attended 11 AM Mass at Saint Luke’s here in Irving, thanks to Deacon Patrick.
Then there was Drum Class. Mark Dunn came and did a Piano Recital, featuring oldies from Elvis, Frank Sinatra, and others.
Mark shared a story with us about Elvis, who was performing in this small town.The paper carried a full page ad, but the picture was really bad. This lady went to the concert. When she arrived there was only standing room.
This fellow came in and she said to him, “There are no seats, but you are welcome to stand with us”. To which he replied, ” I am the one doing the show.” She related how there was an ad in the paper, but the picture was very bad. They talk a bit and he goes and does the show.
Sometime late Elvis is performing in a small club and this lady is there in the second row. In front of her is a drunk. After a few songs, Elvis alerts security that this lady who he calls by name, which amazes her that he remembers her name, is there in a new dress. Would they (security) come and remove the drunk before he throws up on her new dress.
Our very talented office manager sang for us. It was so very good. One of the songs she sang is stuck in my head.
And Thursday ended with Happy Hour, with free drinks, snacks, and conversation. Friday we viewed the Texas Daytripper as he toured the high spots of Beaumont and later some memorable spots in the countryside. Later the West Fork Village Players did a three act comedy on Gossip.
The week ended with us disturbing the newsletter for the week and the month of September, the Rosary, and some college football.
What a fun filled, memorable week here at West Fork Village in Irving, Texas. “The Place Where Seniors Thrive”.
To learn more about West Fork Village, call 972 721-1500.
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Rick Herring
To learn about our business and our awesome team, send a message, "tell me more" to thmjmj@gmail.com