Post added 5th September 2024 Changes Update... At MyBlogSystem.com Private Messages Members can now message other members, if you have an unread message from another member, it will show at the top of all the members area pages. All Blogs and posts now have a new section at the bottom so that other members can contact you if they have any comments or questions about your post. Sell / Buy Posts Gigs For the last few days I have been making changes to the system in order to add a new feature... Its now live and all up and running... Would you like to buy or sell blog posts or visitors to blog posts ? Take a look at the buy and sell blog posts pages in the members menu. The system will work through the private messages system for other members of MBS, or externally at other gig sites. Full details on how the buy / sell posts or visitors is going to work on the relevant pages in the members area. All Blogs and posts now have a new section at the bottom so that other members can contact you. Site Stats Added some site stats above search area on site, it displays how many blogs have been created, how many blog posts have been created, and how many visitors have viewed blogs and blog posts. SUSPENDED POSTS If I suspend a post, the managed blog posts list now displays the reason why the post was SUSPENDED, use the edit post function, fix the issue, and on my next admin run it will be approved. More updates coming soon. Watch this space... Thanks for your support.
Total visitors that have viewed this blog post = 37