Post added 17th September 2024 Changes Update... Posts added grouped by editor... Late last night I finished changes so that posts are now grouped by which editor was used. So, if you add a post using the html editor, they show in the html editor group on the manage posts page. This has been added as the editors work independently and code gets stripped out if edited in Basic editor but was created using the HTML editor. Headers / Footers... I have updated the Header / Footer sections so that HTML snippets can be added to headers / footers. This now works great if you run your own newsletter as you can now add your signup forms as a header / footer to your blogs. Or, you could add google adsense, LL PPC codes and monetize your blogs. Or, you could add a banner rotator and earn credits from other networks every time someone views your blog. Take a look at the top of my Blog, it now has my newsletter list signup form above all my posts and some PPC ads. I think it looks pretty cool... If you are reading this news as a post, click below and it will open my full news Blog. https://myblogsystem.com/blogshowall.php?memid=2 More updates coming soon. Watch this space... Thanks for your support. Total visitors that have viewed this blog post = 45 |
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