Post added 30th September 2024 Changes Update... At MyBlogSystem.com I cannot believe its been 10 days since last update... Had a few days with some bug sickness, and since been hitting brain fart fogs when it comes to coding, one of the things about coding constantly, 16 to 18 hours a day, is that eventually it starts to all look like mush and none of it seems to make any sense and its time to take a few days break or else it will all be broken. Mushy peas make more sense than mushy coding !! Getting back on track though now and things will start progressing again. I will update again probably 2moro, when got rest of some coding been working on all completed. I can then get onto the next features. Anyway, with now hundreds of blog posts in the system with credits assigned, I have started a surfing competition at MBS, more info in the members area... MyBlogSystem.com I have also started a surfing competition at My Hits 2 U. More info in the members area at... MyHits2U.com Good luck if you enter the competitions. Until next time... More updates coming soon, watch this space. Thanks for your support.
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