What is SurveySavvy. SurveySavvy is a get paid to do surveys site, It has been around since 1999. Basically you signup and they send you surveys to do to your email address so make sure you use your best email address if you signup. But, its more than just that, and here is why... You earn cash when you take surveys, they can range from a few dollars up to $500 surveys. Unfortunate I have never had a $500 survey, but some of my referrals have and I made a % of them all. I have however had hundreds if not thousands of $3, $5 even $10 surveys, but, here's the best part... Not only do you get cash when you take surveys, but, you get cash when your referrals take surveys and their referrals take surveys. It pays cash rewards on 2 levels of downline. If you can promote it, and start to build a downline in it, as your downline starts to promote it and any of them do surveys, the cash soon starts to mount up. Like I said in the header to this blog, I / we, my girlfriend have made thousands of dollars from SurveySavvy over the years. Below you will see an image of my stats from SurveySavvy. I am embarrassed to say that my girlfriend has built an even bigger downline in it than me but its been her only focus when she saw some of the cheques I have received from SurveySavvy. If you live in the USA, they also have a savvyconnect system, you can earn $3 per month for installing it on your PC, and $3 a month for installing it on your tablet or phone. It also has a $1000 monthly sweepstakes giveaway for those who participate in the savvyconnect system. Good Luck. Ready to join SurveySavvy, Click HERE ![]() Can you build a downline of hundreds or more into it ? Join SurveySavvy, Click HERE I will update this blog if any relevant changes happen at SurveySavvy and update the date ticker at the top of the page so you can see if its been updated. Why I have built this blog. This blog that you are reading is on the domain name surveysavvy.co.uk I have owned the domain name for many years, its been a redirect to just the surveysavvy site, its been an info page that has been changed countless times. Its now staying permanently as this blog... I also own and run various advertising related sites, my newest at the time of this writing is MyBlogSystem.com As the name says, its about blogs, anyone can create blog posts which then go onto a blog which they can promote just the posts or the full blog for free. but here is where things get interesting. I recently added a new feature of Hosted Domain blogs, where members of MyBlogSystem can buy a service so that they can have there own Hosted Domain Blogs. You can read full details about it if you join MyBlogSystem.com Anyway, I am now playing the odds... Every time a new Hosted Domain Blog gets added to the system, the domain has a lot better chance of getting top listings at the search engines and that matters. get a top listing at a search engine and the visitors to the blog / domain name can skyrocket... But, this is where things get even more cooler, every time a new blog is added to the Hosted Domain system, it gets listed in the Hosted Domain Network that I have created, all the Hosted Domain blogs piggy back off each other... When you have read the rest of this Blog and head towards the bottom of the page, you will be asked if you would like to read another blog in the network and its WORKING. Visitors are reading the Blogs and then clicking to read more. I know because I have site stats system set up so can see visitors who go from one blog to the next.
Hosted Domain Blogs, when they get added to the system also get reviews, as you can see below. The reviews get sent to ALL current and future members of MyBlogSystem so that also increases there exposure even further. Check the reviews that are below or on the other Blogs in the network. You may even enjoy reading the blogs and find them useful, which I hope you do. Anyway, fingers aching from all the typing. I hope you enjoyed reading this blog. Thanks for reading. Have a great day. Regards, Neil Bennett Total visitors that have viewed this blog post = 34 |
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