This Blog belongs to
Fran Klasinski
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Are you a Professional Marketer? Then you know how advertising is the key to Income Creation!


Time to move on up to the next level. Become a blog author, watch the list and income grow!

It all starts with your membership in and the potential of MyBlogSystem is newbie simple designed to keep the traffic flowing to your posts.

Simply create any content marketing that needs the extra push. Let MyBlogSystem do the work.

Make it your go to advertising system - Join, engage and watch the endless traffic flow!

My name is Fran and I have been blogging for a lot of years. Too many to count. 
Though being on line for 22+ years, should give you some idea.

Imho... I consider blogging the most important skill next to 
traffic and advertising.

If you think on it, blogging can really move the traffic you seek from the Target Market you need to build your business.

We all have high hopes of finishing up our marketing campaigns with the hope of incoming moolah and a bigger list.

Wouldn't you know it, life and traffic demands get in the road. But do you really need to be baffled by all these demands on your time and skills?

If your daily task list is anything like mine, then you know what happens to your motivation when one more thing tips the 'get 'er done!' scale. 

Blogging helped me escape that frustration. I will share a few tips with you 
that have really helped me get a handle on  my business and should help you should you choose to test any of them.

 The most frustrating times will be experienced continually until you learn to balance priorities and manage time effectively. 
 And they are ...

Set clear Goals:  To define what you want to achieve and break it  down 
in manageable tasks.  Plan your work and work your plan.

#2. Prioritize Plan tasks from day 1 to completion. 
Understand, distractions and customer needs can get in your way so plan on updating your daily task lists.

#3.  Learn to use AI Tools:  Before you sign your life away, be sure to check 
out how the AI tool you think you would like to try works, 
that it is comfortable to use.

AI can streamline your work for simple things you might normally use to Google for.  
It can help you stay on top of your Business Plan via helping you 
work your Daily task lists.    


#4. Stay Flexible: Like I said in #2, life is out to get you.  Don't panic.  
Learn the power of patience. You will see your work take shape. 

#5. Take Sufficient Breaks Every Day:  If you were a CEO, you 
would take a 10 min break EVERY hour to help refresh the grey cells. 

If you are an oldster, or overworked, then a nap can be the best break 
you take during your busy day.  A well rested body and refreshed brain cells, help make sure you get things done. 

The plus, is no burn out, a creative mind, and your production output 

gets things completed.

Embracing New Opportunities:  One at a time until you have 
assured yourself of the opportunity intent and that it fits who you are. 
 AI has been around for at least the last 15 years. You may have had some 
experience with it.  Learn MORE as it will be in full swing re digital marketing by the end of this year.

From the Intro to the Conclusion: 
Balancing work and personal life is an ongoing journey. The fact that every
 one of those listed points have made up a good portion of our time online, 
simply shows two things ...

#1. We all need a refresher.  Just because an opportunity is new, 
does not mean they don't apply.

#2.  New people are coming online all the time.  You need to prepare 
their eager minds with good, solid information.  Don't leave them to be lost to the mis and dis that floods the net.

Till next time ...

Fran Klasinski - warriorlady 
















Total visitors that have viewed this blog = 49

Total visitors that have viewed this blog + all of Fran's posts = 2732

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Maybe you would like to buy a gig from them, Contact Fran Klasinski

This Blog belongs to
Fran Klasinski
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